Here Dreams Take Flight! Explore our enchanting world of family-inspired stories, where father writes and son draws to create magical tales for young hearts. Ignite imagination, inspire learning, and embark on a literary adventure with us.

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Capturing the essence of childhood

Where every hug holds a story, and every smile sparks imagination

Our Vision

At Booksbybalas, We envision a world where every child is inspired to dream, learn, and embrace their unique brilliance. Through our diverse and imaginative stories, we strive to ignite a passion for reading, foster creativity, and empower the leaders of tomorrow. Our vision is to create a lasting impact on early childhood literacy, one enchanting tale at a time.

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  • Family-Crafted Creativity

  • Passionate Advocacy for Early Literacy

  • Diverse Inspirations, Empowering Narrative


Encapsulates the essence of Booksbybalas—a celebration of love, laughter, and the joy of discovery. As we craft tales for young hearts, it's moments like these, with our little readers, that inspire us to weave stories that resonate with the spirit of family and the boundless possibilities of childhood

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Discover the Magic Through the Words of Our Readers ✨